Monday, February 19, 2007

What does every woman want more than anything else?

What does every woman want more than anything else?

She wants to feel wonderful about herself.

She wants to be convinced that the man she loves more than any other considers her #1 on his "most important" list. Valentine's Day is simply an opportunity that her partner can express that. One way for a man to successfully convince her of his love and her position of importance in his life is to plan a way to express that before Valentine's Day, so that when he puts that plan into motion, his actions reflect his inner feeling that she is, indeed, the single most important part of his life. So it's not so much about the type of gift exchanged as it is the thought that is put into his expression of love. Keep in mind that a well-thought-out and executed plan to express one's love for another in your life can happen any day of the year.

What does every man want more than anything else?
He wants to feel wonderful about himself.
The shortest route to that feeling for a man has nothing to do with cards or presents. It has to do with a deep inner sense that the woman in his life trusts him at the deepest of levels, wants to give of herself fully and freely, and adores him through and through. She can show this to her partner by reflecting on their shared love and by expressing appreciation and trust in his love for her.

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